Lookup a number starting with 0792826 :
Comment Count 0
Search Count 197
Geo Location United Kingdom
Connection Type mobile
First Searched 4 years ago
Last searched 20 hours ago


4 days ago

Recorded message claimed a letter has been sent back to HMRC and legal procedings will follow. no details about who this is for. I hung up

18 days ago

Pretend to be VisaCard security office. Caliming that international purchases - for mot than £700 - have been arranged, and my card was given. Then asking to press '1' to stop the payment.

1 day ago

claiming to be from amazon prime and auto renewing membership

2 days ago

Recorded message saying HMRC, legal action due and press 1 to speak. Obviously didnt

3 days ago

O2 scam number

5 days ago

Scam/Phishing - Call States they are calling from a Visa Credit card regarding a Fraudulent charge. I don't have a Visa Credit Card.

5 days ago

Recorded message saying a letter from HM Customs had recently been returned marked undelivered. Legal action will now be taken. Press 1 to speak to an agent. Obviously i didnt !!

5 days ago

Claiming to be from Visa. Automatic voice telling me that £700 and £900 had been transferred overseas.Asked me to press 1 to cancel the transfer. I did and call ended. They didn‘t ask for any details so don‘t know what they achieved by the call.

8 days ago

Automated voice told me that they have noticed two payments from my account of about 500 and 900. To cancel the transaction press 1. After pressing 1 the call hang up. Calling back the number receive voice note: "The number you have called is not recognized".

8 days ago

A text was sent from this number posing as EVRI saying "As you were absent when we tried to deliver your parcel....please click..." ev.ri ...etc The clue was in the ev.ri who need a parcel number. Funny we were in and no one came to us anyway! Deleted it.

10 days ago

HMRC scam caller

11 days ago
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