Lookup a number starting with 0790728 :
Comment Count 1
Search Count 273
Geo Location United Kingdom
Connection Type mobile
First Searched 5 years ago
Last searched 15 hours ago

Asked me for £900 for a credit card debt

9 days ago

£900 fraud on visa card. please press 1. Dont think so...

2 days ago

Scam- Penalty Charge Notification, most of the councils are aware of this due to the hi number of people calling them directly. do not click on the link in the text message. it will take you to a scamming website.

6 days ago

Scam parcel texts

7 days ago

Scam/Phishing - Call States they are calling from a Visa Credit card regarding a Fraudulent charge. I don't have a Visa Credit Card.

17 days ago

indian call center...some scam about amazon and iphone, etc

28 days ago

Telephone scam telling you that you have a parking ticket and need to pay through an attached link.

1 day ago

A recorded message telling me there were unusual transactions on my card. Obviously a scam.

3 days ago

They rang, I answered but didn't say anything, neither did they. They then hung up. ?Spam?

6 days ago
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