Lookup a number starting with 0745695 :
Comment Count 1
Search Count 79
Geo Location United Kingdom
Connection Type mobile
First Searched 21 days ago
Last searched 23 hours ago

automated message from hmrc ,stating press 1 etc ,hung up

21 days ago

Possible scam parking tickets site

8 days ago

Unrecognised number so I ignored it. An answerphone message left for once , robotic voice saying apparently £300 has been charged to my card along with an international money transfer of £1100 (or something like that), press 1 to cancel and talk to our advisor?? (and no doubt get charged a fortune!!). Are some people still falling for this type of scam?? presume they must be??

4 days ago

Abusive texts, and prank phone calls

8 days ago

Said they were from British Gas

29 days ago

answered no one online just hung up

1 day ago

Obviously, a fake call regarding unsolicited payment from your Visa card.

1 day ago
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