Lookup a number starting with 0333443 :
Comment Count 1
Search Count 1087
Geo Location United Kingdom
Connection Type uan
First Searched 5 years ago
Last searched 14 hours ago

nuisance calls over a number of days

29 days ago

Claimed to be from British Gas but could not offer proper identification, so hung up

2 days ago

They said they were from the national debt agency

29 days ago

when its called back it states 'not in service'

6 days ago

Caller said his name was Sam and that he was from British Gas (BG) and as energy price cap was going up wanted to arrange a visit from BG engineer to talk about savings and switching. It was a strange call which raised alarm bells (like a dodgy salesman trying to convince you of a need for their product). I said we were moving house so not a good time to consider switching and he went silent and then put the phone down on me.

7 days ago

random call I suspect to be a scam so i ignored

7 days ago

Look like it's a scam message purporting to be from Nationwide.

9 days ago

sales pitch from a telephone sales company who do cold calls

13 days ago

Didn't answer but came up as spam

15 days ago
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