Lookup a number starting with 0330320 :
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Search Count 107
Geo Location United Kingdom
Connection Type uan
First Searched 4 years ago
Last searched 2 days ago

Look like it's a scam message purporting to be from Nationwide.

6 days ago

Didn't answer but came up as spam

12 days ago

They have called numerus times over last few days, they keep calling, today told them i have 247000 worth of debt but i dont want to pay it back as i like to spend the money on other things, was told i cant do that as i need to pay i back...told him well its their fault for giving me money when i asked for it, he soon put the pnone down

12 days ago

Caller asked for my husbands name when I said he was in work he started speaking to me like i was my husband and advised he was calling from a Debt Release company who had been advised of debt's being paid back monthly and asked if this was correct.....I advised no and the line went dead.........definately a scam caller

13 days ago

Said they were ringing from 'Priority Phone' or something similar. Tried to tell me they could reduce my phone contract payment as 'my device plan was paid for in full' but I know I have another 2 years to pay for my device plan. I told them multiple times I wasn't interested in changing my payment options, even if it meant he could get me a 'better deal' and 'cheaper rates', but the man on the phone was very forceful. Do not fall for this clear scam!

28 days ago

when its called back it states 'not in service'

3 days ago

Caller said his name was Sam and that he was from British Gas (BG) and as energy price cap was going up wanted to arrange a visit from BG engineer to talk about savings and switching. It was a strange call which raised alarm bells (like a dodgy salesman trying to convince you of a need for their product). I said we were moving house so not a good time to consider switching and he went silent and then put the phone down on me.

4 days ago

random call I suspect to be a scam so i ignored

4 days ago

sales pitch from a telephone sales company who do cold calls

10 days ago

This number came up as a scam for building work

17 days ago

They said they were from the national debt agency

26 days ago

nuisance calls over a number of days

26 days ago
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