Lookup a number starting with 0330001 :
Comment Count 3
Search Count 520
Geo Location United Kingdom
Connection Type uan
First Searched 2 years ago
Last searched 6 hours ago

Didn't answer but came up as spam

15 days ago

They have called numerus times over last few days, they keep calling, today told them i have 247000 worth of debt but i dont want to pay it back as i like to spend the money on other things, was told i cant do that as i need to pay i back...told him well its their fault for giving me money when i asked for it, he soon put the pnone down

15 days ago

Caller asked for my husbands name when I said he was in work he started speaking to me like i was my husband and advised he was calling from a Debt Release company who had been advised of debt's being paid back monthly and asked if this was correct.....I advised no and the line went dead.........definately a scam caller

16 days ago

Look like it's a scam message purporting to be from Nationwide.

9 days ago
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