Lookup a number starting with 0247649 :
Comment Count 0
Search Count 126
Geo Location Coventry
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 5 years ago
Last searched 2 days ago

Automated calling, followed by a voice message claiming that a charge for flight has been made to debit card. SCAM

1 day ago

Did not leave a message so more than likely a scammer

3 days ago

A guy with a heavy Indian accent called and just said " hello" then proceeded to say he was from O2 and was I aware that they were merging with Virgin, he also asked if I was expert and loss of signal etc, i told him i wasnt and told him I don't pay the bill on this number and he said he was going to transfer me to his supervisor at which point I advised that if I have any issues I'll let the bill payer know. Then I hung up.

3 days ago

think it is scam

4 days ago

Phoned my mother, tried to return the call but number is not recognised -- scam number.

4 days ago

Claims to be a number for TUI - but i haven't been able to confirm the authenticated

4 days ago

Person with an Indian accent who claimed to be calling from Reading when challenged and also claimed to be from Microsoft calling about a computer. Clearly a scam attempt but put the phone down.

5 days ago

Claimed to be from Microsoft. Calling about my computer. Hung up when I said they were calling again.

5 days ago

Electronic message with female voice pretending to be some sort of financial conduct authority and that I should be aware about illegal international transfer on my account from unusual source. Message asked me to press 1 so I didn't..I checked my banks instead and there is nothing unusual or illegal.

8 days ago

bank card scam

8 days ago

Two rings and then it stopped. I never phone back. If it's important I'm sure they will call again.

9 days ago

Claimed to be 02 sending me a new Sim card

9 days ago
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