Lookup a number starting with 0203713 :
Comment Count 3
Search Count 110
Geo Location London
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 15 days ago
Last searched 8 minutes ago

Multiple calls from this number, when trying to return the call automated messaged stating " The number you have called is not recognised, please check the number and try again " So clearly its a cloned number. Most probably from the same call centre who said they could save me some money on my next sky Bill, I wasted there time for a short while before revealing I dont have Sky services, They quickly hung up.

5 days ago

Rang me late last night, unknown number, didn't answer

5 days ago

think it is scam

15 days ago

Claimed to be EE - doubt that it was

22 days ago

Called me several times in the past month - I don't live in the UK, likely a scam

1 day ago
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