Lookup a number starting with 0203375 :
Comment Count 0
Search Count 203
Geo Location London
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 5 months ago
Last searched 4 days ago

Repeated calls from this number and different last 4 digits. No one answers when I pick up , sounds like a call centre

18 days ago

Did not leave a message so more than likely a scammer

3 days ago

A guy with a heavy Indian accent called and just said " hello" then proceeded to say he was from O2 and was I aware that they were merging with Virgin, he also asked if I was expert and loss of signal etc, i told him i wasnt and told him I don't pay the bill on this number and he said he was going to transfer me to his supervisor at which point I advised that if I have any issues I'll let the bill payer know. Then I hung up.

3 days ago

think it is scam

4 days ago

Phoned my mother, tried to return the call but number is not recognised -- scam number.

4 days ago

Claims to be a number for TUI - but i haven't been able to confirm the authenticated

4 days ago

Person with an Indian accent who claimed to be calling from Reading when challenged and also claimed to be from Microsoft calling about a computer. Clearly a scam attempt but put the phone down.

5 days ago

bank card scam

8 days ago

Claimed to be 02 sending me a new Sim card

9 days ago

Indian sounding 'Peter from 'Microsoft''... with a mock-american accent. So difficult to understand, sounded like he wanted something to do with my 'cumpewderrr' !! Scammers, avoid !!

10 days ago

Probably scam claiming to be BT Internet

10 days ago

Said they were calling from 02

10 days ago
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