Lookup a number starting with 0161633 :
Comment Count 0
Search Count 152
Geo Location Manchester
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 5 years ago
Last searched 26 days ago

Comes up a SPAM on Phone so simply block

1 day ago

we buy any car called me after i booked a flight from manchester airport

2 days ago

Scam call from "Jo" the energy consultant, obviously not a live call but just recorded snippets, trying to push a loft insulation inspection. Asking to confirm I'm the homeowner, property type, postcode, my full name, etc. Don't bother trying to have a conversation, you're just speaking with a robot.

4 days ago

said was bank checking on big withdrawal from bank ,i have no bank account

11 days ago

Asian sounding male claiming to be O2. I hung up immediately

11 days ago

Poorly trained scammer

15 days ago

Rang 3 times in as many hours, picked up each time for up to 10 seconds of silence then they hang up

16 days ago

Called claiming to be an unnamed bank, saying usual spending of £300 of charges of amazon and over £1000 international spending.

8 days ago

think spoof - no one leaves a message but random chat from "call centre" heard for a few seconds

15 days ago

Claimed to be a call from my bank but did not say which bank; claimed new charges to my card this morning from Amazon and international. Obviously a scam.

15 days ago

Informed me I had spent £350 on train tickets

16 days ago

Received a bogus phishing call from this number claiming money had been withdrawn from my bank account.

17 days ago
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