Lookup a number starting with 0150758 :
Comment Count 1
Search Count 49
Geo Location Spilsby (Horncastle)
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 10 days ago
Last searched 6 hours ago

Bank transferring money from my account

10 days ago

Recorded voice bank scam

13 days ago

Suspicious unknown caller, no message left

14 days ago

Indian calling himself 'Travis' with shocking unintelligable english/american accent, and using the word 'okay' as punctuation!! His nonsense spiel involved BT, internet, internet security number blah blah blah. Obviously a scam or phishing, Avoid

15 days ago

Appears to be a scam caller claiming to be from Microsoft about computer issues threatening to cut off computer

21 days ago

Had a weird SMS saying it was from TNT and to contact the Controlaccount quoting a ref.no.

23 days ago

SCAM ! I believe this to be a spoofed number giving the impression of it being a local number. A recorded voice suggests that my bank account has been compromised with several recent transactions of significant amounts. Do not proceed with any instructions given. SCAM !

27 days ago
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