Lookup a number starting with 0121291 :
Comment Count 1
Search Count 59
Geo Location Birmingham
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 12 days ago
Last searched 2 days ago

SCAM. Automated female voice claiming to be from 'bank security department' talking about unauthorised payments to Amazon and £1000 international money transfer.

12 days ago

Claimed to be from Barclays Bank Card Dept.

14 days ago

Said I had ordered train tickets. I have ordered no tickets from East Midlands.

16 days ago

harrasing scammers beware of them phoning from a landline

20 days ago

This comes up on my mobile as suspected SCAM by Telemarketer.. Not sure. Not in my known phone book

13 hours ago

Scam, says bank transactions going through

12 days ago

Think it's a scam. Voices says there's suspicious activity on your bank card, £300 to Amazon £110 on international money transfer.

13 days ago
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