Lookup a number starting with 0120224 :
Comment Count 0
Search Count 114
Geo Location Bournemouth
Connection Type fixed line
First Searched 10 months ago
Last searched 8 days ago

Similar to above comments. Bank scam for 2 unusual charges

4 days ago

Claiming to be from bank security ?

24 days ago

Usual Recorded message (female) about Bank Security. Had a week without these calls and they've started again on different numbers. Will block, but they'll only start again on another spoofed number.

25 days ago

rang today told my mother her card had been used for purchases , scam

25 days ago

the phone rang and when i picked up the call the answering machine came on saying THANK YOU FOR CALLING ETC AND I BLOCKED THE NUMBER They know I recognise the voice and use different phone numbers so i do not allow them a chance to waste my time

3 days ago

recorded message - 'bank Security' . obviously a dangerous scam.

7 days ago

Bank fraud

12 days ago

Recorded call saying someone book ticket to Edinburgh on our? Visa. Ignored but worrying can see how someone would call given number.

12 days ago

scam - bank card used for 2 unusual charges

18 days ago
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